This past week has been a busy, but fun week. Last Friday, I took my niece Maegan, scrapbooking with me and then she stayed all night. The next day, we went and decorated our Churches Christmas Tree, in our Fellowship Hall. After that she went home, and she DID NOT want to go. She begged me not to call her Daddy to come and get her. She was very upset that she had to leave. I did tell her that she could come and stay with me again. This week I had Ayden for 3 days instead of the 2. He is a character. His parents are having a house built, and should be moving in this weekend. We went there today to take His Daddy some lunch, but I did not get him out, for I knew He would not want to leave with me. He started crying, and saying that "Daddy needs me help". Poor little guy. You never know what He is going to say.
Below are some pictures from my week. Enjoy!!