Monday, January 9, 2012

~Currently Reading~

I am currently reading this book "Created to be His Help Meet". My niece recommended it to me. My desire is to be the "Help Meet" that God intended for me to be. I know we have to live and learn, and sadly my "selfish" ways have gotten in the way. I know it is not too late to change, and I thank God for that. So far what I have read has made me stop and think and pray that God will continue to help me be all I can be for Him and for Tom.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Addition

This past January, our family received a little bundle of Joy!! Hudson Douglas Miller was born on January 24th. What a joy he is. We all love him to pieces!! This is my great nephew!!

Hudson was born with a cleft pallet and lip,
but the surgery he has had, you cannot even tell!!

~Welcome to the Family~

My nephew Ben asked Krista Blair to be his wife!! Welcome to our family Krista!!

~New Year~

Happy New Year everyone!! I decided to start the New Year out right, and write on my blog. 2011 ended very well with me and my family, we spent it together. We had our family Christmas on New Year's Eve. What a great time we all had. 2012 didn't start out the greatest for me, not feeling well, means no Church on the New Year's. Stayed home and slept about all day. I pray that this new year, God will help me to grow in Him, and to so His will. I had so many struggles last year, and I know I could not have gotten through them all without Him. He is ever faithful to me. Here are a few pictures of my family.

All of the Sister's (sis in laws) + Oldest niece
All the brothers (& in laws) + nephew
All the Granddaughters
Most of the Grandsons
Mom & Dad and their 9 kids!!