Thursday, February 21, 2013

~Valentine's Day~

This year for Valentine's Day, I wanted to do something special for Tom and I. I really didn't want
 to take the money to go out to eat, so I decided that I would fix our own steak dinner at home. You
 can't beat getting 2 Ribeye Steaks for $10.50 plus baked potatoes, KC Masterpiece Brown 
Sugar Beans and for dessert, homemade cheesecake, one of Tom's favorites. I probably had 
less  than $20.00 in all of this and if we had went out to eat, more like $40.00 or more. 

Our table decorations. I didn't have any place mats so I decided to make my own. I took some 
white duck cloth and wrote some sayings on them with a red marker,I think they turned out very well.

This pictures frame was originally black, so I painted it red, and then wrote this in it:)

One of our Wedding pictures in my LOVE frame!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

~Welcome Bayden Michael Toth~

On Tuesday, February 5th, 2013, Bayden Michael Toth came into this world.
 What a little doll baby he is. He weighed in at 6lbs 13 oz. and was 18 inches long.  
The parents are my nephew Tim Toth and Sara Strahler. 

My sister Debbie "Grandma"

What a sweetheart!!


I went and spent the day with them and couldn't resist taking pics of him. 

Proud Daddy (my nephew)

Aunt Becky and Bayden!

I told my Timothy, that I was going to be Bayden's favorite aunt and that I would spoil him to pieces:) As you may know, I don't have any children, and would love too. I am happy for Timothy and Sara, but at the same time a little sad:(